Briana: These are my favorite.
Matt: Yeah, those are cool, but, uh, I don’t think we have $600 to spend on invitations.
Briana: But these are so perfect.
Matt: I forget, which kidney are you selling to pay for this wedding?
Briana: (angry face)
Matt: You know, we could totally make these ourselves.
Briana: How?
Matt: I don’t know, but I’m sure Tamisha could figure it out. She’s craft and whatnot.
Low and behold, Tamisha was indeed crafty and whatnot. She tossed out some ideas, we got to work, and it has since been a serious pain in my butt. This whole do-it-yourself wedding invitation thing is going to save a ton of money, and I’m sure I’ll have a warm, fuzzy feeling about the end result, but right now it’s making my eye spasm.
Briana and I spent 30 minutes last night scouring the Internet in hopes of finding cardstock with a hibiscus print on it. It couldn’t be just any hibiscus print, though; it had to a very light color so the invitation’s text would still be readable. Keep in mind that Briana was ready to settle on a different print, but I was being stubborn. I eventually had to go with the DIY route, taking this graphic:

And turning it into this:

Why I didn’t think of doing that in the first pace is beyond me.
All the pieces are starting to come together, and I’m beginning to think the invites will turn out really well. Plus, they should cost less than $100. Of course, we still have a long way to go before they’re ready to be sent out; I’m just being optimistic for once.